FastLeg DIY solution amazing: folding bracket “unconventional use”

[cml_media_alt id='2588']FastLeg DIY solution amazing[/cml_media_alt]

A FastLeg DIY solution amazing, the brilliant idea not to invade the apartment decoration. A design solution that insure function and stability.

We believed there could be many different FastLeg DIY solution, we imagine folding tables as complement for kitchen or living, but this idea is really remarkable.

Johan live in a historical apartment in Edinburgh (UK), and was keen to have a video projector for her living room. As the ceiling in the room has historical decorations, she could not hang anything from it, and with the wall opposite the screen a window she was at a loss for options. she discussed this with some professionals, who claimed that no solution was possible, but in the end she managed to create one herself, due to the newtableconcept folding bracket.

[cml_media_alt id='2587']FastLeg DIY solution amazing[/cml_media_alt]
She realized a folding arm for the video projector/b>; with one 60cm FastLeg and two shock absorbers grooved in a solid wood, the projector support is very robust, functional and fits perfectly in the home design.

In conclusion we can affirm that the FastLeg folding bracket is an italian design product which communicate order and modernity at the same time.

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